This program is designed to educate drummers about Creative Percussion products through the eyes and minds of other drummers.

The beauty of the Creative Percussion Artist Program is that it’s not a contract.
You are not obligated to use ONLY Creative Percussion products at your gigs or in photos or videos.
You are not tied in for any required amount of time.
You can actually publicly admit to using more than one brand of products.
Crazy, right??!!
Our Artist program is about spreading the word!
Your equipment is an extension of your mind's vision to make music, and we want to be a part of everyone’s creative arsenal.
Do you think we have great products?
Then, tell people! Help us get the word out!
We think we have great products that can help every drummer be the most creative musician they can be, BUT, it’s far more credible to hear that from a fellow drummer than it is from the product manufacturer.

If you currently have endorsements with any other drum, percussion or cymbal companies, please check with your artist reps to be sure you are not violating any terms of agreement with those companies by becoming a CP Artist.
Being a CP Artist involves promoting our products publicly. If you are not able to promote publicly, we'd still love to have you as a customer, but you would not qualify for the CP Artist Program.
Examples of potential conflict:
- If you have a drumstick endorsement elsewhere, you may not be able to publicly promote our Twist Rods.
- If you have a pedal endorsement elsewhere, you may not be able to publicly promote our bass drum beaters.
- If you have a cymbal endorsement elsewhere, you may not be able to publicly promote our Stax.
So, here’s how it works:
You must be a customer before being a CP Artist. You can’t credibly say we have great stuff if you’ve never used any of it! So, purchase a product (or two).
Use the product(s) for a couple of weeks to really know how it works, feels and holds up. Decide if you truly love our products.
If you do and are excited enough to tell people, GREAT!! Just go to the "Become a CP Artist" page and complete the online form.
Once we receive your request, we will reach out to you to be sure the information you submitted contains all the information we need to add you to our Official CP Artist group.
Now, start spreading the word! Tell others about Creative Percussion. Post pictures and videos of our products in use at your gigs (please have the products visible in the picture/video), during rehearsals or while you’re just having fun (G-Rated please). Share our social media posts onto other drum-related social media pages and groups.
Please tag Creative Percussion in all posts and hashtag the items you’re posting about. For example, Use @Creative Percussion and/or #CreativePercussion to tag our page. To tag the products, like, Holey Hex Stax or Twist Rods, do #CPHoleyHexStax or #CPTwistRods.
It’s simple, always type #CP and then the product name without using spaces. Capitalization doesn’t matter.
PLEASE be sure you are using the correct product name. We don't sell Stacks, we sell Stax.
International Artists:
If you live outside the continental US, the program will differ slightly for you.
You will get all the benefits of being a CP Artist as listed below, but your orders will need to be processed manually (via email not through the website shopping cart). Additionally, you will be responsible for the cost of shipping your products.
Benefits of being a Creative Percussion Artist
You will receive periodic emails with updates on what's going on at the Creative Percussion shop.
You will have access to the CP Artist Private Page which includes your own specially priced product collection.
You may be selected to be a "Beta Tester" for some of our prototypes, giving you a chance to be involved in the fine-tuning of potential new products.
We may use your CP product photos and videos in promotional materials.
We will promote you on our social media pages and website.
So, what’s the catch?
We won't ask a lot of you, but there are a couple of things we require.
We will send out a CP Artist Program Re-Up form annually which MUST be completed to remain a CP Artist. The CP Artist Private Page is password protected and the password will change annually. To be given the updated password, you will need to complete the Re-Up form by the "submit by" date indicated in the email sent. If we do not receive your form by that date, you will be removed from the program and the previous password will become invalid.
We will need to see that you are spreading the word, so please post photos and videos SHOWING your CP products and be sure to tag us in them. By tagging us in your photos and videos, you are giving us permission to download and edit them as needed and to use them for promotional purposes. If you would like us to consider your photo or video, PLEASE be sure to have your CP products clearly showing.
Videos can also be sent to us via our video submission form on the website.
While we don’t have a lot of rules with this artist program, we do have a few.
-First and Foremost:
If you would like to compare a Creative Percussion product to another brand’s product, please be respectful of the other company and its product(s). No negative comments will be allowed. You can describe the differences in other products vs. Creative Percussion products, but it must be done respectfully.
We are here to build this brand, not knock others down.
-Second: Regarding “what to post”:
All pictures and/or videos should CLEARLY show at least one CP product. It's nice to be tagged in a picture of your band at a gig, but it promotes us more if the products are visible. So, consider instead, a picture from behind your kit, where we can see some of the products you’re using. We love seeing our artists with our products, so maybe a selfie showing the product you're using that day/night. Videos that demonstrate our products in action are even better!
We are looking for posts that will showcase Creative Percussion products so we can save and re-use them for future promotions.
All tagged and/or submitted reviews, photos, and videos may be used for the promotion of Creative Percussion products on social media and the Creative Percussion website.
By submitting or tagging us in a review, photo or video, you agree to its public use by Creative Percussion.
So, if you’re in the witness protection program or living a double life as a drummer and you don’t want people to know, you may not want to be a CP Artist.
That’s it!! Check out the website, place an order and get started on your journey in creativity!
We look forward to having you as a part of the Creative Percussion family, where inspiration leads to innovation.
Do you already own and love Creative Percussion products?
Are you ready to become a CP Artist?
Click HERE to be directed to the "Become a CP Artist" page.
Complete the online form and get things rolling!