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It's not just one note, it's another dimension in sound!  Fundamental pitch with multiple overtones.


The tone you'll get with our Square Bells is somewhere between a cup chime, a cow bell and an Agogo bell.


*If you would like more than 1 Bell, it's best to order them at the same time.

We do our best to blend pitch and colors when we make sets so they sound and look great together.

We cannot guarantee similar pitch or coloring to previous Bells when ordered at separate times. 


The Square Bells are designed from our Hex Metal which is heat-treated to bring out the tones and to give them some pretty cool coloring. They are crimped on each corner for stability and tone.  Use them individually, in sizes 4”, 5”, 6”, 7” and 8”, on your cymbal stand (6mm) or hi-hat rod or in a tree setup using 3, 4, or 5 products or combinations of products with our Multi-Product Clutches*.  You can also purchase a Utility Clutch to use a single layer on our FX Post just off your snare or tom.


*NOTE: We recommend at least 2” of hi-hat or cymbal rod to ensure stability.  Not recommended for use on our FX Post as they were not designed to hold this amount of weight.


We went with a square option to give more surface area when playing.  We crimped the corners to bow the profile and to help to concentrate the sound.


Check out videos of the Bell Tree by typing #CPSquareBells into your search engine, Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.

Be sure to use the hashtag “#CPSquareBells” in all your social media posts.

4" Square Bell

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